
Benutzer ddf5633f

Mitglied seit: 3 Jahre (seit 22, Feb 2022)
Typ: Angemeldeter Benutzer
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Beschreibung: What is rust prevention technology for steel coils?
A steel coil is manufactured by processing a steel sheet and winding it into a coil. Regarding rust prevention technology for steel coils, the treatment agents are named differently depending on the application. An agent that is used for coating after treatment is called a prime coating agent, and an agent that is used independently is called a temporary rust preventive agent.

① Prime coating agent
 A prime coating agent forms a film of about 0.1 μm thick on zinc plating and alloy-based zinc plating to impart coating film adhesion and corrosion resistance. It is used mainly for outdoor electric home appliances and construction materials, such as switchboards, roofing materials, shutters, and unit baths.

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