
Benutzer aass5633z

Mitglied seit: 3 Jahre (seit 18, Feb 2022)
Typ: Angemeldeter Benutzer
Vollständiger Name:
Beschreibung: Good’s buffers as a basis for developing self-buffering and biocompatible ionic liquids

Every day scientists in laboratories across the world sit at their desks and painstakingly design experiments in the hope of making a discovery that will change how we think about a biological process. Because biological processes such as enzymatic activity are dependent on pH, one critical aspect of the experimental design is choosing a buffering system that will help maintain a stable pH without altering the results.

And, often, it is the choice of buffer that makes or breaks the experiment. It is possible that the buffer you are using in your lab might be the reason your experiment is failing. Here, you will find how a buffering system works, a description of the characteristics of a good buffer and a list of possible applications and characteristics of the most commonly used biological buffer series.

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